Two Rhythms

About Us

Two Rhythmsはプロモーション動画、インタビュー動画、CM、ミュージックビデオ、研修動画、製品説明動画、ドキュメンタリー、各種SNS、ドローン撮影、グリーンバック撮影などワンストップで様々な動画制作を行っております。

また撮影、編集のほかプロの翻訳家やナレーターと提携しておりますので英語字幕対応、ナレーション対応、キャスティングも可能です。お仕事のご依頼は“Contact Us”よりお問合せください。

Yuuya Ishizone


Playwright, Director, Performer, Videographer / After working for 13 years in Japan as a director, a scriptwriter, and an actor for theatre, film and TV, Yuuya formed “MY COMPLEX” to restart his career outside Japan. First appearance in the Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2014 made him challenge in a one-man show in English. Yuuya was invited to perform in the historical play produced by Taiwanese theatrical company in 2014. Until 2018, he created and performed 5 shows in the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. In 2016, Yuuya launched ‘fringe JAPAN’ and has been involved in the planning and management of the companies every year since then, presenting theatre pieces. His activities have widened to the management of WAKABACHO WHARF, the private art centre in Yokohama, Japan, since 2021. He has also worked as a filmmaker and designer on numerous domestic and international corporate projects, including the website construction and filmmaking for “fringe JAPAN” organised by the Consulate General of Japan in Edinburgh, flyer design and stage filming for SLOW LABEL, filmmaking for the Goethe-Institut Tokyo, and video production for The Japan Times, among other projects.



Creative producer, Arts educator / Born in Osaka, Japan and studied Drama and Theatre Studies (BA) at Royal Holloway, University of London. After working for SHIKI Theatrical Company in Japan, she started producing experimental and contemporary theatrical pieces beyond genres for international festivals including the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. In 2019, as a part of the Fringe Central events at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, she co-organized the information session “Getting to Know Asia” and operated the reception held by Consulate General of Japan in Edinburgh. In 2020, assigned by Consulate General of Japan in Edinburgh, she launched the digital platform “fringe Japan”. She also worked as a YPAM (Yokohama International Performing Arts Meeting) fringe coordinator to promote the value of a fringe festival in Japan alongside her world-wide activity as a producer. Currently, Maddy focuses on building global platform for collaboration and creation beyond differences by working with WAKABACHO WHARF, the private art centre in Yokohama, Japan.
